Bruce Trail: Map 10 - Mount Nemo

Pincha aquí para la versión en castellano 1st Stretch: On Sunday, December 10 at 12:20 p.m., we began the first stretch of map 10, from the intersection of Britannia Road and Blind Line, in Burlington, to Calcium Pits on Twiss Road. According to the map, it is a 6.8 km section, but it could be a little longer, if you lose the trail, and walk an extra kilometer, as happened to us. This time we were 4 plus one: Rodrigo, Federica, Eduardo, and I plus Malaika, in a single car. We parked at Britannia Road with Blind Line, at the trail's entrance, and walked all together in the same direction. Of course, to return home, we had to retrace what we had walked, which means that we did this section of the Trail in both directions. It was a pleasant walk between an urban forest and a good stretch of rural road (this last of about two kilometers long). Throughout all the way, you can see quite luxurious properties, pretty much like those in magazines. The afternoon was mostly gray, rainle...