Bruce Trail Map 1 - Queenston Heights

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Perhaps it would have been wise to start our end-to-end Bruce Trail project from map 1 and go through all the trails in order. It makes sense and simplifies the process of choosing what section of the trail goes next. If I do the Bruce Trail end-to-end once again, I'll start from the beginning! We are now in the situation where we have walked both ends of the Trail: map 42 in the Tobermory end and map 1 in the Niagara Region, and we have 40 maps in between to uncover. In what order and in what direction will we do it?

For now, I am inclined to sequentially follow the maps of the Niagara Region, which are relatively close to home, and we will see if winter allows us to follow the order. As for the direction of the walk, will be better if we don’t become too picky, since we will see some occasions, like the one I am narrating Today, where the logistics forces you to separate the group and walk in opposite directions. So, the challenge now is to complete all the sections, in any direction, and with that goal in mind, I am looking for the window to complete map 2, most likely in two days.

On Saturday, October 21st, 2023, we completed the route indicated on map 1 of the guide[1], which has the particularity of covering a shorter section of the Bruce Trail than the other 4 or 5 maps that I have already reviewed. Maps 40 to 42 cover sections of about 20 kilometers each, map 2 appears to cover a section of similar size, but map 1 only covers about 7 kilometers.

Three people and a dog went on this excursion in a single vehicle. On our way to the starting point, we decided that it was best to split us into two groups and travel in opposite directions. This is how we did it: I left Federica and Eduardo at Queenston Heights Park, where the start marker of the Bruce Trail is, and I went with Malaika to park the car at Firemen's Park at the other end of the section of the trail we were covering in this occasion. They began to walk from east to west, and Malaika and I did the same, but in the opposite direction. More or less halfway along the road we met, had a snack, I gave them the car keys, and everyone continued on their way until they reached the vehicle, and Malaika and I reached the stone cairn.

The GPS marked a distance of 7.68 Km that we covered in two hours and 15 minutes. It was a gentle walk through the forest, the day was cold and gray, but it didn't rain much. Many trees had the season painted on them, but a good part was still green, which seems to indicate that we have at least a couple more weeks left to enjoy the colors of fall.


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