Bruce Trail: Map 3 - Short Hills

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1st section:

On Saturday, November 25, we walked the first section of map 3. This time only Federica and Malaika joined me. Since there was no second car, nor enough quorum to complete the journey from both ends in opposite directions, we changed the strategy and walked together from Short Hills Provincial Park, in the parking lot at the end of Wiley Road (kilometer 38.3 on the map), to Brock University, at the point indicated on the map with kilometer 26.8 (30th edition).

It was a light, pleasant walk, mostly through forests, until we reached Moodie Lake, where the landscape changed, and became more urban, without implying that we were walking through streets. The day was sunny, and the temperature was pleasantly above 4 degrees Celsius all the time. Despite the sun and good weather, the trail was quite muddy in some sections.

When we finished the tour at Brock University, we had to return to the starting point where we had left the car. We walked back mainly along the road, which allowed us to shorten the distance quite a bit. This first stretch of Map 3 is quite winding. I want to finish this report by noting that we saw a white-tailed deer in the Short Hills Provincial Park area, a couple of blue jays before reaching Moodie Lake, and a great blue heron when we were walking back to the car along Wiley Road.


Map: 3 – 1st Stretch

Date: Sunday, November 5, 2023


Starting point:

Short Hills Provincial Park - Wiley Road (38.3)

Ending point:

Brock University/St. Catharines (26.8)


GPS odometer: 11 km

Distance measured on Google Maps: 12 km.

Speed / Breaks:

·                Average speed: 4.4 kph

·                Time moving: 2:30

·                Resting time: 32 min


Low (Easy)


Short Hills Provincial Park - Wiley Road (38.3)

2nd section:

Federica, Malaika, and I made the second section of this map on November 9th, 2024. Alex and Blanca Preziosi joined us for the first 5 kilometers of the trail, and thanks to them we could leave our car at the finish point. We started hiking at 10:35 in the morning and finished 5 minutes to 4 in the afternoon. The complete journey of about 14.4 km (this measure according to the guide, since my GPS ran out of batteries, and the two spare batteries I was carrying were dead as well) took us 4 hours and 20 minutes. The trajectory of this section of the trail, that I have drawn on the map below it is my best guess of the route we took, based on the footprints of other hikers on Google Earth.

The day was sunny with beautiful clear blue skies. The temperature was around 8 or 9 degrees Celsius. The trail is gorgeous. Overall, I rank Map 3 only behind Map 42 in beauty (it is second in my ranking, at the moment I wrote these notes). The hike was easy, on a terrain with little slope. Possible difficulty: the irregularity of the terrain (screams, stones, roots), which, at this time of year, was covered by leaves in some areas of the path, making it easier to stumble.

A particular note of this stretch was seeing 4 llamas (or maybe alpacas) in the backyard of one property. The llamas watched us with the same interest that we watched them and made a like-a-bird sound from their throat.


Map: 3– 2nd stretch

Date: Saturday, November 9th, 2024

Starting point:

Short Hills Provincial Park - Wiley Road (38.3)

Ending point:

Staff Avenue Louth Conservation Area (52.7)


GPS odometer: N/A

Distance measured on Google Maps: 13.9 km

Speed / Breaks:

·                     Average speed: 3.23 kph

·                     Time moving: 2:30

·                     Resting time: N/A


Low (Easy)


Short Hills Provincial Park - Wiley Road (38.3), parking lot C and Louth Conservation Area (52.7) parking lot.



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